My sweet peanut had her 4 month check up yesterday! Can not believe she is 4 months already. Where does the time go? I know screaming, and sleepless nights and blow outs have taken up a lot of it but it's been worth it. She is 11 lbs 10 oz and almost 23 inches long. She's my itty bitty and I love it. I'm starting to have to put away her newborn clothes but at least we got about 4 months worth out of them!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
So excited!
I am so excited! I finally know for sure when my parents will be coming to meet my baby girl! They are coming January 5th. I am so excited for them to meet Miss Aimsley.
First they will be going to Canada to spend time with my brother Matt and his wife Kat and their new baby Penny. I know they are excited to see him in his new role as a father. Not to mention to meet their sweet new granddaughter. I wish I could meet her, hopefully that day will come soon. Penny and Aims are 6 weeks a part. I love that they are so close in age and hope they grow up to be good friends.
First they will be going to Canada to spend time with my brother Matt and his wife Kat and their new baby Penny. I know they are excited to see him in his new role as a father. Not to mention to meet their sweet new granddaughter. I wish I could meet her, hopefully that day will come soon. Penny and Aims are 6 weeks a part. I love that they are so close in age and hope they grow up to be good friends.
How time flies
Wow! Time has gotten away from me! It has been so long since I have blogged or read anyone else's. So much has happened in the past year and a half. I'm not even sure where to start or how to write all of the events that have occurred. Well the most important started last December 31st. We found out after almost two years of praying that God was blessing us with another child! We were so thrilled and have been so blessed to now be a family of four! Ones decided to not find out the gender and be surprised when he/she arrived. On August 26 we became the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl! We now have one of each! We had three girl names and four boy names picked out. If it was a boy I got the final choice and if it was a girl Matt did. So daddy got to pick his favorite of the three. We named our sweet girl Aimsley Michelle.
I had a csection again and I told my doctor no one was to announce what he/she was but Matt. It was so cool to have him tell after 9 months "she's here"! When I first saw her she was blowing bubbles and has yet to stop :) That was the second thing I noticed. The first was before I even saw her I had yet to hear her cry. To be honest I was very nervous by this. It took a minute but they finally got her to cry. It was such a beautiful sound to my already panicked heart! They said she still had a little fluid on her lungs. They took us back into a delivery room after I was stitched up and had her in a warmer. Before I got to hold her another nurse came in and said she was concerned and wanted to take her to the nursery for a closer look. I was so sad and worried because Matt went with her and I didn't have my mom with me. I think they were only gone for 45 min to an hour but that was long enough for me. Once I had her in my arms I was so in love and of course I still am.
Colston has taken to her better than we could have hoped. He is such a great brother. He gives her kisses and hugs and is so concerned when she cries. He is so proud to have a little sister! So much more has happened since then as well but I will have to write later. Hopefully sooner this time!
I had a csection again and I told my doctor no one was to announce what he/she was but Matt. It was so cool to have him tell after 9 months "she's here"! When I first saw her she was blowing bubbles and has yet to stop :) That was the second thing I noticed. The first was before I even saw her I had yet to hear her cry. To be honest I was very nervous by this. It took a minute but they finally got her to cry. It was such a beautiful sound to my already panicked heart! They said she still had a little fluid on her lungs. They took us back into a delivery room after I was stitched up and had her in a warmer. Before I got to hold her another nurse came in and said she was concerned and wanted to take her to the nursery for a closer look. I was so sad and worried because Matt went with her and I didn't have my mom with me. I think they were only gone for 45 min to an hour but that was long enough for me. Once I had her in my arms I was so in love and of course I still am.
Colston has taken to her better than we could have hoped. He is such a great brother. He gives her kisses and hugs and is so concerned when she cries. He is so proud to have a little sister! So much more has happened since then as well but I will have to write later. Hopefully sooner this time!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A crazy week and then some
Time to play catch thanks to my busy week last week. Colston was sick when we were in Boise but seemed to be better when I came home on Saturday. Then on Sunday Colston went to church with Matt early so I could get a little rest. When I got to church I got there just in time to learn that my son had thrown up in the nursery. Nice. I was so disappointed to have to take him home because Matt was getting licensed officially (meaning now he can marry and bury people.) He gave his testimony and got his license framed and everyone voted yes and I missed it. I know Matt wasn't too disappointed that I couldn't be there but I was sad just to not be there to support him. Although Colston did have diarrhea several times once we got home so I was glad I brought him home.

Colston continued to be sick on Monday which was not fun but Matt was home on Monday so it wasn't so bad. He was all better on Tuesday and it was so great to have the stomach flu out of our house! Then on Wednesday I woke up feeling incredibly nauseous which was no good because I had an appointment with a trainer to work on abs that day. The nausea stayed until Thursday night so after two days of pain and discomfort I called the doctor. I found out when I called that my doctor no longer works there but they were able to get me in the next day with another doctor. The doctor was very nice and very puzzled. Of course I didn't help much since these stomach issues have been bothering me for about 7 years. Pretty much everything she asked me that is not "normal" seemed normal to me. At first she said she would put me on something for heartburn and acid reflux and then take it slow to see if it helped. Then she came back in and said that I have been dealing with this long enough and we will be aggressive with it. She gave me a list of what I need to do for the next two weeks and then I have another appointment with her. She also took blood and was running some tests on it. One of the tests is for celiac disease which means if I have that then I have to go on a gluten free diet. I'm still waiting for a call back with my results. If things aren't better in two weeks with the changes I'm making then I will have a colonoscopy which will hopefully tell us more. I'm praying for answers so that things better and "normal".
On Saturday we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt at church. It was snowing on Saturday but we still had the hunt and had all the games inside. We still had a pretty good turn out despite the weather. Later on Saturday night we had a birthday party to go to. It was for Allee, my friend Sarah's little girl. It was a great party with lots of little kids. I got the honor of getting to make her birthday cake. I was so excited because she wanted a princess castle cake which is one that I have been wanting to make. It was so much fun to make and she loved it!

Sunday morning Colston wanted to play with his eggs and easter bucket so I had to fill the plastic eggs with cereal so that he would eat his breakfast. Ridiculous I know but it made my Sunday morning go smoothly. Easter Sunday was wonderful and I got to wear a dress that I had made in the Philippines last summer and had yet to wear. We went to lunch with friends and finished the day off with family time at home. It was a wonderful holiday. I can't wait until Colston can understand the real reason for Easter and why it's so special. Last week my friends five year old son showed me a rose he had and told me he liked it because it reminded him that Jesus "rose" from the grave. How cute is that? I asked his mom if she taught him that and she said that he taught her that. I thought that was so cute and smart. I can't wait until Colston can say things like that and understand it. It's so amazing how God uses children to teach us spiritual things.

Colston continued to be sick on Monday which was not fun but Matt was home on Monday so it wasn't so bad. He was all better on Tuesday and it was so great to have the stomach flu out of our house! Then on Wednesday I woke up feeling incredibly nauseous which was no good because I had an appointment with a trainer to work on abs that day. The nausea stayed until Thursday night so after two days of pain and discomfort I called the doctor. I found out when I called that my doctor no longer works there but they were able to get me in the next day with another doctor. The doctor was very nice and very puzzled. Of course I didn't help much since these stomach issues have been bothering me for about 7 years. Pretty much everything she asked me that is not "normal" seemed normal to me. At first she said she would put me on something for heartburn and acid reflux and then take it slow to see if it helped. Then she came back in and said that I have been dealing with this long enough and we will be aggressive with it. She gave me a list of what I need to do for the next two weeks and then I have another appointment with her. She also took blood and was running some tests on it. One of the tests is for celiac disease which means if I have that then I have to go on a gluten free diet. I'm still waiting for a call back with my results. If things aren't better in two weeks with the changes I'm making then I will have a colonoscopy which will hopefully tell us more. I'm praying for answers so that things better and "normal".
On Saturday we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt at church. It was snowing on Saturday but we still had the hunt and had all the games inside. We still had a pretty good turn out despite the weather. Later on Saturday night we had a birthday party to go to. It was for Allee, my friend Sarah's little girl. It was a great party with lots of little kids. I got the honor of getting to make her birthday cake. I was so excited because she wanted a princess castle cake which is one that I have been wanting to make. It was so much fun to make and she loved it!
Sunday morning Colston wanted to play with his eggs and easter bucket so I had to fill the plastic eggs with cereal so that he would eat his breakfast. Ridiculous I know but it made my Sunday morning go smoothly. Easter Sunday was wonderful and I got to wear a dress that I had made in the Philippines last summer and had yet to wear. We went to lunch with friends and finished the day off with family time at home. It was a wonderful holiday. I can't wait until Colston can understand the real reason for Easter and why it's so special. Last week my friends five year old son showed me a rose he had and told me he liked it because it reminded him that Jesus "rose" from the grave. How cute is that? I asked his mom if she taught him that and she said that he taught her that. I thought that was so cute and smart. I can't wait until Colston can say things like that and understand it. It's so amazing how God uses children to teach us spiritual things.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Erin's First Give Away
My first giveaway.

I also included a hand appliqued tea towel and two sets of four gocco printed card sets (envelopes included). The little deer one says 'hello.' and the birdcage set says 'hi there.' on the front. Both sets are blank inside and perfect for any occasion.

Here's how to enter:
1) Leave a comment.
2) Be a follower.
3) Post this giveaway on your own blog.
Each thing will get you one entry into the giveaway. Meaning, if you do number 1 and number 2 you get two entries, if you do all three you get three entries. Get it?? Okay...go!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Trips never go as planned
Thursday night Matt, Colston and I left Salt Lake around 5 to head to Boise, Idaho for a couple of nights. We went there to see the Rock and Worship Road Show and spend a couple of nights with my aunt and uncle. As we were heading out of town we grabbed Chic-fil-a for dinner. Mmmm... I gave Colston some fries in a cup and he dumped them on his lap and said in a very sarcastic tone "oh nice". Shouldn't he wait a little longer to be sarcastic? Matt and I had a good laugh about it. Then of course he fell asleep about 40 minutes before we got to my aunt and uncle's. When we got there he woke up and did not feel good and threw up on their driveway. Then he woke up three times during the night to either throw up or dry heave. Needless to say we did not get much sleep.

~Kicking me in the head while I try to sleep~
The next day he seemed to be feeling better but still didn't have much of an appetite. My aunt and uncle took us to a pizzeria called The Flying Pie. It was so delicious! You can buy pizza by the slice and they are huge slices and so hot and yummy! Also their bread sticks are pretty amazing too. We loved it so much that when we were leaving town on Saturday we stopped by and we were the first ones there and got some slices to go. We had to wait about 40 minutes to eat them because they were so hot. Wish they had that place in Utah but it's probably good they don't because I would want to eat there all the time.

~Colston and Clara Bear~
After lunch we went to BSU to check out my uncle's office. He is the associate dean there and showed us around a little bit. The view from his office is so beautiful. I also got to look at some of the books he has written. It's amazing to see his name on these published books. I'm so proud of him. He also showed us a book about Boise that has some of my aunt's paintings in them. Again it so neat to see something she made in a published book. After the college we went to my aunt's studio that is downtown. She showed us some of the paintings she's been working on. She is so talented. Her latest paintings are ones that are from the view of looking out of a car windshield. Her detail is amazing! Some of them were even taken in the rain so she painted the raindrops and streaks left by the wipers. I have no idea how she does it but they are so amazing. Both my aunt and uncle or so talented and two of the sweetest people I know.
Later that day Matt and I headed off to the concert and they watched Colston for us. When we got to the concert we only waited in line about 15 minutes and we were inside. It was only $10 each and we saw The Sidewalk Prophets, Remedy Drive, Fee, Franchesca Betastellli, Family Force Five, David Crowder and Mercy Me. It was an amazing line up. Matt was very excited to see DCB which is his favorite and Fee. They both did amazing. DCB was awesome because everyone knows their songs so everyone was shouting the lyrics and it was just like a huge worship session. I had a blast dancing and head banging to Family Force Five but I am sore today and know that I am too old for that. Also the guitarist threw his water bottle in the crowd and I got it. Don't really know what to do with it now that I have it. I think my favorite band was Fee. The lead singer is so modest and talented. I wish they could have played longer.

~Getting ready for the concert to start~ ~Fee!! My favorite!~

~ David Crowder's here!!~ ~Matt's favorite!~
Mercy Me was last and when they were finishing up Matt and I decided to head out because I just felt like we needed to get back. I called my aunt and she said Colston had been great and was asleep. About thirty seconds before we got back to their house Colston woke up and when I got there I went in and got him and he was burning up. He had a temperature of 103.2, poor guy. Matt and my uncle Shelton went to the store and got him some medicine and pediyalite. I was hoping the medicine would help him sleep through the night but no such luck. He woke up four times crying and screaming. Everytime I had to pick him up and lay him in between us and he would fall asleep and I would put him back. Same thing repeated about every hour or two. Near the end I felt like I was being filmed for a sitcom. The moments that make life interesting.

~So tired after the concert!~
We were hoping to get together with our friends Matt and Andrea for lunch before we left town but due to Colston not feeling wonderful we had to do a raincheck. As we were heading out of town Coslton fell asleep after about ten minutes of driving and slept over half of the trip and so did I. It is so good to be home and have things in the wash and things unpacked. I love taking trips but I love being home more. I am hoping and praying Colston is able to get some sleep tonight and not be sick for church tomorrow. All in all we had a wonderful trip depsite any bumps along the way and we hope to do it again!
~Kicking me in the head while I try to sleep~
The next day he seemed to be feeling better but still didn't have much of an appetite. My aunt and uncle took us to a pizzeria called The Flying Pie. It was so delicious! You can buy pizza by the slice and they are huge slices and so hot and yummy! Also their bread sticks are pretty amazing too. We loved it so much that when we were leaving town on Saturday we stopped by and we were the first ones there and got some slices to go. We had to wait about 40 minutes to eat them because they were so hot. Wish they had that place in Utah but it's probably good they don't because I would want to eat there all the time.
~Colston and Clara Bear~
After lunch we went to BSU to check out my uncle's office. He is the associate dean there and showed us around a little bit. The view from his office is so beautiful. I also got to look at some of the books he has written. It's amazing to see his name on these published books. I'm so proud of him. He also showed us a book about Boise that has some of my aunt's paintings in them. Again it so neat to see something she made in a published book. After the college we went to my aunt's studio that is downtown. She showed us some of the paintings she's been working on. She is so talented. Her latest paintings are ones that are from the view of looking out of a car windshield. Her detail is amazing! Some of them were even taken in the rain so she painted the raindrops and streaks left by the wipers. I have no idea how she does it but they are so amazing. Both my aunt and uncle or so talented and two of the sweetest people I know.
Later that day Matt and I headed off to the concert and they watched Colston for us. When we got to the concert we only waited in line about 15 minutes and we were inside. It was only $10 each and we saw The Sidewalk Prophets, Remedy Drive, Fee, Franchesca Betastellli, Family Force Five, David Crowder and Mercy Me. It was an amazing line up. Matt was very excited to see DCB which is his favorite and Fee. They both did amazing. DCB was awesome because everyone knows their songs so everyone was shouting the lyrics and it was just like a huge worship session. I had a blast dancing and head banging to Family Force Five but I am sore today and know that I am too old for that. Also the guitarist threw his water bottle in the crowd and I got it. Don't really know what to do with it now that I have it. I think my favorite band was Fee. The lead singer is so modest and talented. I wish they could have played longer.

~Getting ready for the concert to start~ ~Fee!! My favorite!~

~ David Crowder's here!!~ ~Matt's favorite!~
Mercy Me was last and when they were finishing up Matt and I decided to head out because I just felt like we needed to get back. I called my aunt and she said Colston had been great and was asleep. About thirty seconds before we got back to their house Colston woke up and when I got there I went in and got him and he was burning up. He had a temperature of 103.2, poor guy. Matt and my uncle Shelton went to the store and got him some medicine and pediyalite. I was hoping the medicine would help him sleep through the night but no such luck. He woke up four times crying and screaming. Everytime I had to pick him up and lay him in between us and he would fall asleep and I would put him back. Same thing repeated about every hour or two. Near the end I felt like I was being filmed for a sitcom. The moments that make life interesting.
~So tired after the concert!~
We were hoping to get together with our friends Matt and Andrea for lunch before we left town but due to Colston not feeling wonderful we had to do a raincheck. As we were heading out of town Coslton fell asleep after about ten minutes of driving and slept over half of the trip and so did I. It is so good to be home and have things in the wash and things unpacked. I love taking trips but I love being home more. I am hoping and praying Colston is able to get some sleep tonight and not be sick for church tomorrow. All in all we had a wonderful trip depsite any bumps along the way and we hope to do it again!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Got some answers now for fun
So, I finally heard back from my doctor about my blood tests. They said that my Vitamin D level is too low. Below 32 is when they are concerned and mine is 19.5 so that is explains why I am so tired all the time. I am so happy to finally have some answers of why I feel like I am dragging all the time. I got a prescription for Vitamin D that I take once a week for 8 weeks and then I had to get multi-vitamins to take every day. Hopefully with in a few weeks I will have more energy and start feeling more like myself!
Right now I am procrastinating from packing and cleaning and doing all the last minute things I need to do to get ready for our weekend trip. We are going to Boise tonight and will be there until Saturday. Matt LOVES David Crowder Band and they or any other christian artists never come to SLC, so we are going to Boise to see them play. We are going to what is called the rockin road worship tour that has a bunch of christian bands and Matt is so excited about it. I am excited to get to see my aunt and uncle and we get to see our friends Matt and Andrea as well.
My aunt and uncle are going to be watching Colston on Friday so we can go to the concert and I am a little nervous. I just hope that he is good for them and doesn't freak out about being in a new place. He has been going through this phase lately where every time we take him to church and try to drop him off in the nursery he cries. I know it's normal phase for kids to go through I just don't like it. I'm hoping he will get out of this phase soon.
Well, now I have to get back to cleaning and all that other pre-leaving stuff!
Right now I am procrastinating from packing and cleaning and doing all the last minute things I need to do to get ready for our weekend trip. We are going to Boise tonight and will be there until Saturday. Matt LOVES David Crowder Band and they or any other christian artists never come to SLC, so we are going to Boise to see them play. We are going to what is called the rockin road worship tour that has a bunch of christian bands and Matt is so excited about it. I am excited to get to see my aunt and uncle and we get to see our friends Matt and Andrea as well.
My aunt and uncle are going to be watching Colston on Friday so we can go to the concert and I am a little nervous. I just hope that he is good for them and doesn't freak out about being in a new place. He has been going through this phase lately where every time we take him to church and try to drop him off in the nursery he cries. I know it's normal phase for kids to go through I just don't like it. I'm hoping he will get out of this phase soon.
Well, now I have to get back to cleaning and all that other pre-leaving stuff!
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