Colston continued to be sick on Monday which was not fun but Matt was home on Monday so it wasn't so bad. He was all better on Tuesday and it was so great to have the stomach flu out of our house! Then on Wednesday I woke up feeling incredibly nauseous which was no good because I had an appointment with a trainer to work on abs that day. The nausea stayed until Thursday night so after two days of pain and discomfort I called the doctor. I found out when I called that my doctor no longer works there but they were able to get me in the next day with another doctor. The doctor was very nice and very puzzled. Of course I didn't help much since these stomach issues have been bothering me for about 7 years. Pretty much everything she asked me that is not "normal" seemed normal to me. At first she said she would put me on something for heartburn and acid reflux and then take it slow to see if it helped. Then she came back in and said that I have been dealing with this long enough and we will be aggressive with it. She gave me a list of what I need to do for the next two weeks and then I have another appointment with her. She also took blood and was running some tests on it. One of the tests is for celiac disease which means if I have that then I have to go on a gluten free diet. I'm still waiting for a call back with my results. If things aren't better in two weeks with the changes I'm making then I will have a colonoscopy which will hopefully tell us more. I'm praying for answers so that things better and "normal".
On Saturday we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt at church. It was snowing on Saturday but we still had the hunt and had all the games inside. We still had a pretty good turn out despite the weather. Later on Saturday night we had a birthday party to go to. It was for Allee, my friend Sarah's little girl. It was a great party with lots of little kids. I got the honor of getting to make her birthday cake. I was so excited because she wanted a princess castle cake which is one that I have been wanting to make. It was so much fun to make and she loved it!
Sunday morning Colston wanted to play with his eggs and easter bucket so I had to fill the plastic eggs with cereal so that he would eat his breakfast. Ridiculous I know but it made my Sunday morning go smoothly. Easter Sunday was wonderful and I got to wear a dress that I had made in the Philippines last summer and had yet to wear. We went to lunch with friends and finished the day off with family time at home. It was a wonderful holiday. I can't wait until Colston can understand the real reason for Easter and why it's so special. Last week my friends five year old son showed me a rose he had and told me he liked it because it reminded him that Jesus "rose" from the grave. How cute is that? I asked his mom if she taught him that and she said that he taught her that. I thought that was so cute and smart. I can't wait until Colston can say things like that and understand it. It's so amazing how God uses children to teach us spiritual things.

Your little fam is just too cute!!!! Praying that you will find out soon what is going on with everything!!!!