Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Moving never ends

Raise your hand if you hate moving! I feel like I have moved so much in my life that I should just live in a moving van. This will be the third apartment Matt and I have lived in since we've been in Utah (only a year and a half). Crazy! But God did get us the cheapest apartment around so that is a huge blessing! However moving the week after camp and two weeks after VBS is not the best timing. But originally we thought we have to move the weekend between camp and VBS. Just thinking about that possibility exhausted me!

We are only moving a couple of blocks from where we are now. I can't decide if that makes moving easier or harder. Moving for the first time with a baby definitely makes it harder. I was pregnant during the last two moves and constantly told not to lift anything. However when we moved last May I was about 8 months pregnant and my friend Larissa was about a month behind me. Matt was moving things from the other apartment and left me in the new one to not lift or move anything. When Larissa came over (bulging just as much as I was) she said Matt told her to put the beds together. So I told her if she was allowed to do stuff then so was I. So we put both beds together and rearranged all the furniture in the bedrooms and set them up. When Matt and Joe came back over they went to the rooms to set up the beds and saw what we had done. Matt said he had just picked the most ridiculous thing for Larissa to do thinking she would know he was being sarcastic. Apparently she did not get that message. Oh well.

I am off to pack more boxes and do some more moving. And as I'm writing this I realize that Colston has gotten into my purse and opened a pack of sour patch kids some how and is making a horrible face but is continuing to eat. Guess I better go do my mommy duty!


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